Is it possible to find free stock images?

Infographic is the trending source to reach potential customers. You need to consider designing your website with photography that is the integral part. Actually we are accustomed to watch through the stock images of people with suits shaking hands. This photo is not tackier and it costs lot more than money. Fortunately, there are many sites in the online industry with attracting free stock images. It is best of all and is almost free to access. Being in the digital marketing world, we should consider getting through the blog posts to increase customer ratio. The general rule of blog is that, it should have at least one image in the posts as complement. This image adding has lot more benefits and it is important to capture the reader word about boosting the visual appeal.

However, you cannot choose any random image from the search engine. You need to consider finding the important factor of copyright and individuality in the image. This will project your unique service and so you should be careful in choosing an image for your blog post. Thus stock images without copyright where provided for many. This was charged high in olden days. We need to check for the payment before choosing an image. But not there are more free stock images at

perfect thumbnail image

Likewise there are many sites provide lots of free stick images. You need to choose an image that correlate with the posts and the niche. You cannot randomly choose any image to any kind of visual appeal. This is the easiest way to find lot of images that can change your search setting to filter out things and bring the images back. Images are used in blogs to enhance and help to

  • Create a feature image or perfect thumbnail image
  • Convey message in simple way
  • Break the content
  • Encourage social media sharing
  • Supports your point
  • Make the blog more memorable
  • Capture emotions
  • Add color to blog
  • Improve SEO position with alt tags and keyword rich files

Mostly people search for information through images which will show case the service with catchy information. This gets you through the heap of trouble. As there are lots of resources that can provide lots of free stock photos, you can get through any of the site and get those images. This is site that is designed to be handy with designers, marketers and bloggers. You do not have to rely on those costlier stock photos anymore. It is time to save money.

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Top Techniques Used By Seo Company In Chicago

The term SEO is majorly doing the rounds these days in the technological and digital field. So, what is SEO?

It is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which self explains itself. ‘Search Engine’ the software on which we browse(search) and ‘Optimization’ taking its working into control so that we get our desired results. Each and every website created, aims for trafficking and top ranking of its site. This is when SEO comes into use.Basically, it is the process by which you can garner more traffic for your website and also improve its rating, by making its place in the top 10 organic search in the search engine.

Search Engine Optimization

As the competition is amazingly strong, there are a number of techniques and tactics to put into use to get more profitable and beneficial results. Here we are to discuss a few techniques of seo company in chicago to help you achieve better results.

  1. Use Small URL: Research has shown that short URL rank better. An optimal URL with 17-18 characters rank way better than the ones which are longer. So, try keeping your URL small and apt with necessary keywords (reason given in the next point), rather than having lengthy ones.
  2. Try incorporating keywords in your URL: By putting up keywords in the URL itself, will help people easily decipher what the link contains even before opening it. This will definitely get better results in terms of traffic.
  3. Use keyword in the headlines: According to studies, it has been concluded that when a keyword is searched and further links are opened with reference to it, users tend to glance through or scan through the article at first instead of reading. If your keyword is presented in the headlines and even the sub headingsfurther, and catches the user’s attention, he/she might read through the entire length of it and will be enticed to read it further and more. This will make them hang around on your site a little longer, gathering traffic for you.
  4. Try affixing external links to authoritative websites: When studies were conducted with different websites, it showed that sites with external links from authoritative sites like Oxford, Cambridge, Wikipedia (just to name a few) ranked much higher than the ones which did not have one such. Definitely it must not be overdone, but may be done when and where needed.
  5. Put in some modifiers in addition to the keywords: Modifiers are adding on words to keywords which will help modify the search as well has enhance the ranking and trafficking of a site. And now, keyword along with the modifier, “best places to visit in Europe during summer”. The results on the Google page will change. This nominal alteration in keyword will help in higher rankings.

Search Engine Optimization, its working, its techniques and tricks is a vast topic to cover. But the few techniques mentioned above will surely help you enhance your website trafficking and thereby the ranking.

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